
ings about Father Hilario appear in several publications from the Basque government. The book Arrojos, dichas y nostalgias: vascos en el Valparaíso del siglo XX , written by Rubila Andrea Araya Ariztía 6 , reflects the experience of the Basque emigration to Chile, and specifically to the area of Valparaiso. Also the book El clero navarro ante el euskera en los años de entreguerras , written by Francisco Javier Dronda Martinez, explains the difficul- ties that some Basque-speaking teachers had in teaching their lessons 7 . On several Web pages, can be found various information on the composer. In Nafarroako History (History of Navarre) 8 , in which short biographies of prominent people of the community appear, there is a small overview of his life. Another Web site recounts memories of a brief trip that Father Hilario took to Pamplona 9 , in which he played the txistu in the 1955 Olentzero 10 , and also mentions his exile in Chile. The Web site Txistulari also presents a short biography of Father Hilario 11 . Biographical Note Alejandro Olazarán Salanueva was born in Estella on 9 February 1894, and was to become an outstanding musician and promoter of traditional music. He was also an or- ganist, composer, piano teacher, and the author of the first method for the txistu and the tambourine 12 . At the age of eight, thanks to his precocious talent as an organist, he was commissioned to musically enhance the solemn Masses at the School of Escolapios of Estella. After nine years as organist of the Basílica Nuestra Señora del Puy, at age eighteen, he begins to write music, after having studied harmony 13 . His music teacher as a child was the organ- ist of the parish, Moises Baylos Albéniz; later, he studied harmony with Bonifacio Iraizoz in Pamplona. On 25 September 1909, he entered the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin 14 , in the city of Sangüesa and, following the practice of religious communities, took the name Brother Hilario of Estella. Later, on its own initiative, he preferred to be called Father Hilario Olazarán of Estella, and it was this name that became the most popular. After completing ecclesiastical studies, he was ordained as a priest in the city of Pamplona on 30 September 1917. CATALOG I NG MUS I CAL WORKS OF FATHER H I LAR I O OLAZARÁN OF ES TEL LA 43 6. Rubila Andrea Araya Ariztía, Arrojos, dichas y nostalgias: vascos en el Valparaíso del siglo XX (Vasco: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno, 2006), 111. 7. Public University of Navarre. 8. Hilario Olazarán de Estella, “Nabarros”, https://nafarroakoistorioa.wikispaces.com /Hilario+Olazar%C3%A1n+de++++++++Estella, accessed 27 December 2018. 9. Iosu Mikel Sarasate Olazarán, “Algunos recuerdos sobre el Olentzero”, http://www.olentzero.net /idazlana/?id=10, accessed 27 December 2018. 10. Olentzero is a character in the Basque Christmas tradition, who brings gifts to children for Christmas. Its origin is in the area of Lesaka (Navarre). On 24 December, a street parade with an effigy of his figure, ac- companied by musicians, is given. 11. Esbozo biográfico del P. Hilario Olazarán de Estella, “Musikariak”, http://www.txistulari.com/index .php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=8, accessed 27 December 2018. 12. See note 4. 13. Juan Miguel Mendía, “P. Hilario Olazarán de Estella (Alejandro Olazarán Salanueva) (1894–1973)”, Boletín de la orden capuchina (noviembre–diciembre 1973): 11–15. 14. See note 5.